Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | There is only 3 weeks left to move up in POY points to win a spot on the men's or ladies team to compete at the CCS Championship in Penticton Feb 15-19. It only shows the top 10 men on the players feats report but your POY number is located on the far left of your name.
Now there sure is a very close race with the ladies to win a trip. Top 8 ladies in POY are Deb Williams is in 26 spot, Sandra Shelvey in 30, Alison Zitelmann in 35, Ashley Mearsor in 37, Cindy Brown in 38, myself (Rose Kantor) in 39, Darlene Mercer in 45 and Tracy Cross in 46. Only 4 ladies can win a trip, Good Luck Everyone!
Last night we had 6 teams short players and we managed to fill 5 spots. It also has been brought to my attention that when playing for another team some players feel that their opponents aren't giving their best game because it doesn't count in their points. And teams are falling behind because subs don't pay because points don't count. In previous years subs have payed and their points were carried over. Which created major mistakes in stats and many league audits.
I think I found a solution to this problem, subs pay and all stats and consecutive wins can count but points can not get carried over to your average or team. This will give a sub something to shot for and teams shouldn't fall behind in fees.
Last Saturday we had 15 players at the Avalanche Greg Shelvey was 1st, Bill Blackwell 2nd, Rob Horton 3rd and Jason Rushton 4th. Bar is adding another $100 to the pot this Saturday we start at 1pm sharp it's UFC fight night so we have to be done by 6pm.
Tuesday 9 Ball at the Bridge there was 10 players out. Greg Shelvey 1st, Walter Trayling 2nd Jason Ruston 3rd and the 9 Ball pot continues to grow it's at $99.
The Avalanche is remodeling the back room where table number 5 is and may not be done for a few more weeks. If you have a match scheduled on that table it is now moved to table 4. I apologies now for the dead rail on that table it has been sit on on to many times and the glue has let loose and can not be fixed till the table is re clothed. Good Luck Good Shooting and most off all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose |