Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Today is Remembrance Day, a time to be thankful for our freedom and grateful for all who made it possible.
There`s two more ladies that just turned 29! Today Deb Williams and on the 14th Jen Jordan Happy Birthday ladies!
There seems to be a few players that are unsure what the push shot rule and a double hit is. Cindy found an excellent sample of these shots on You Tube for you to check out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rip8xwobksc
When you see a situation occur on another table as much as you feel the need to be helpful and tell them what they can or can not do. It in your best interest to only ask, "would you like some help on how to deal with this"? And if they say yes than direct them through the steps below. Every team kit has a pink copy of the Good Sportsmanship rules.
4. HANDLE DISPUTES THE RIGHT WAY Disputes will occur and almost all involve a foul stemming from lack of rules knowledge or a judgement call. If it’s a judgement call on a shot; take note that it will always go in favour of the shooter unless the opponent has exercised the right of having it refereed.
Getting disputes settled out should be a straight forward matter: STEP 1. The two players involved in a dispute “agree to disagree”. STEP 2. The two players involved explain the dispute to their captains only!… and then the players are no longer involved. At no time is any other teammate or spectator to be involved. STEP 3. The two Captains attempt to reach a reasonable agreement which will then be considered final. STEP 4. If the two Captains “agree to disagree”, then the game automatically carries on in favor of the shooter. STEP 5. A written Protest may be filed with the League Executive whose decision will be final including any impact it may have on Individual and Team standings. Their Ruling will take into account the display of any poor Sportsmanship.
I have been doing some research and would like to have a few certified referees in our league. If your interested in taking a test to qualify to become a ref, please let me know so I can get you on the list. Top 2 scores I will pay for your test to become a certified ref. On Wednesday I was asked," What about the couching rule are we going to vote on it?"
Four years ago when I created this league my goal was to build a fun, fair and competitive league for all skill levels of play. When you build a competitive league where there is money and trips involved and it grows to the size we have become, I do not believe that couching should be allowed. You are competing to win a spot for a trip to the Championships where there is no couching. How would you feel if you were fighting for that last spot to win a trip and you hook someone and they call in a couch and is pointed out 3 rails to get out of hook. Then you loose your trip because of couching. I feel there is a time for couching and that is in practice not when competing for money or trips. Most of you have come to me and agreed on this and realize that I do always look out for the best interest in the league as a whole. And for those that don't agree, I also realize I can't make everyone happy all the time.
I would like to thank all of you that take the time to complement me on our web site, the weekly emails and letting me know I'm doing a great job. My job isn't easy but I really do appreciate your positive comments, it`s all of you that keeps me going knowing that I'm doing a great job at something I love to do. Cheers to you all!
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose
Ops! Did I spell coaching wrong, amde splel chekc! |