Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | There has been some misconception from some of you players of the rule #23 in the CCS Rule Book and on the web site.
23. Coaching
It is permitted for a player to receive advice from a coach during a match. This should not be on a continuous shot-by-shot basis that changes the nature of the game. It is up to the referee and tournament management to set additional limits on this. A time out can be used to get coaching help. The coach should not approach the table. If the referee decides that the coach is interfering with or disrupting the match, he may direct the coach to stay away from the match.
I was a little unsure myself the way it is worded, but because I know it is not allowed at any CCS events I emailed Ted Harms from CCS and this is his response.
Hi Rose: No, once a game has started, coaching is NOT allowed in Team Play if you read it carefully.
23. Coaching ....A time out can be used to get coaching help.... This means to receive coaching assistance a timeout has to be called. 14. Time Out ....The time out at eight ball and nine ball is taken between racks and play is suspended..... In Team Play, since you could always coach 'between games' the Coaching Rule in 23 doesn't mean anything additional. So, nothing has changed in CCS or ACS events (no coaching once a game has started) and as such nothing has changed in the Players Pool League either. It's up to you what you do. Some leagues allow it. Personally, I wouldn't. The main reason is that it opens the door to someone being coached when they didn't need it or want it. Certainly disruptive and possibly even humiliating to the player. I wouldn't want to play a game knowing someone was hovering over the game and could stop me at any point to tell me what I 'should be doing'. If the player is receptive to advice and instruction, then that's their choice and do it on the practice table. Better all around for them to get accustomed to being on their own. Ted
I'll have to say I agree with him there is a time for practice and a time for competing. League night we are competing for trips to the CCS Nationals and all players are expected to play their own game. If you want personal couching to help improving your game this should be done before or after your match not during.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |