Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | What a beautiful sunny day it is!
Hope your all ready for a fun and exciting weekend I have planned for us all.
Saturday the bar will be open at 10:30 & matches start at 11:30 sharp. We are on a very tight schedule so I asked all captains to have your next player on deck and ready to play, as soon as a game is done start racking for the next game. Same as the last two years I will hand out the league payouts for the final league standing at 11:00am on Saturday so please show up early to hear announcements.
I apologise to the teams that played at Sunnydale last night and didn’t get a chance to buy a ticket for the cue raffle. They sold out faster than I thought, but I have another McDermott Cue to raffle on Saturday and those two teams have first shot at purchasing a ticket. Last night Deb Williams pulled Alison Zitelmann’s ticket for the Me Dermott Cue.
I thank all of you who have donated a prize for the banquet and some of you say you will bring something on Saturday, could you please call me and let me know what it is by Friday night so I can add it to my sponsor list for all to see on Saturday.
I have arranged for a little jam session after dinner and all the awards and prizes are handed out. We have a drummer, a couple of guitar players and a singer in the league. If you know anyone out there would like to get involved in playing in this event call me I think it will be a lot of fun for us all!
The sixth table will be put up today at the Avalanche if anyone would like to practice on it before playoffs.
The Avalanche will have hostel rooms available for $20 a person taxes included for those of you that don’t want to drive home Sunday night. Book your room early limited beds available. And will have a breakfast special in the morning and other great special for lunch & dinner.
Last stats of the year were Steve Abric got an 10 Zip and Aaron LaChance an ERO good shooting boys!
It’s been a lot of work but it’s all coming together very smoothly, it will be a weekend full fun and laughs for us all.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose