Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | There's only one week left of pool and then the playoffs April 2 & 3rd.
You all now have the playoffs schedule and notice that were on a very tight schedule. The bar will be open at 10:30 and matches start at 11:30 sharp. Captains are asked to keep the matches going back to back and always have the next player on deck. As soon as a game is over rack for the next, remember it’s only 45 seconds between shots.
On the Sunday April 3 Speed Pool will be going on from Noon till 2pm then 3pm till 6pm. We are trying to raise money to send a team of 7 men and 3 women to compete in the Island Challenge in Port Alberni on June 4th & 5th so it will cost $1 for each try at Speed Pool. Top ladies time and top males time each win a Dufferin Pool Cue sponsored by C.A.P. Billiards Ltd. There will be lots of other prizes as well from Labatt’s.
Banquet dinner will be Sunday April 3rd at 6pm at the Avalanche.
All teams must have league fees paid up in full by next Wednesday.
Last night Kevin Kane got a 10 Zip and Bill Black well got an ERO great shooting boys!
Last Saturdays Tournamnet at the Avalanche we had 21 players Bill Blackwell finished 1st $110. Shane Robinson 2nd $80. Jason Rushton 3rd $60 teve Arbic 4th $40 And I won Top Lady $20 finishing 7th & 8th.
For the month of April after the playoffs we will run an 8Ball Tournament every Saturday. The Avalanche will add $100 each week to the prize fund start time will be noon each week.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |