Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello fellow pool players!
We made it home from Penticton a day late and I couln't have handled 1 more day there! Each day we had more fun then the last and I've never laughted so hard in my life! What a great group of pool players we teamed up with from Campbell River and partied the week away. Our Courtenay mens team brought home the trophy this year taking 3rd in the mens C division and Chritie Tipper from Campbell River won the ladies division Jason Rushton went the farthest in mens B Division and Andy Paul and myself finished 5th-6th in Scotch Doubles! Our Ladies team had to play in the mens division because of not enough entries in ladies team division but we picked up Maryann McConnel and finished 9th. Keep eyes open in the paper for the complete up date. Great shooting everyone!
Good Luck & Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose