Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool player!
With only 10 weeks of league play left I see that Chalked & Loaded has a tight hold on first place, but look out below their sure is a tight race from second place to sixth place. As for stats last night there was only one and that was Jason Rushton he got a 10 Zip.
There have been a few player changes on teams with Mike Theissen moving, Phil Asturi has moved to Screwballs and Chalk-A-Holics have picked up Bill Blackwell from the spare board. Welcomes aboard Bill were happy to have you!
Last week there was an 8Ball tournament at the Avalanche and there were 16 players out and the bar added $100 to the pot. Kevin Kane took first winning $105 Jason Rushton second $75, Jordan Dermott third $55 & Deb Williams fourth won $25. There won’t be a tournament this Saturday because Campbell River is having their yearly league singles tournament, so the next one will be Saturday the 29, 1pm start $10 entry $2 green fee and the bar will add $100!
Next week I would like to get a picture for the paper of all Penticton trip winners, so if all of you could please show up by 6pm at the Avalanche for pictures? All teams are scheduled to play their matches the week we are in Penticton if you can’t find subs for that night it’s up to you to schedule a make-up match before we leave or within two weeks from schedule match date.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose