Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool player!
Last Saturday we had an 8Ball tournament at the Avalanche and we had an excellent turnout of 30 players, 14 from our league and 16 from Campbell River. Gene Kawano took 4th, Jason Rushton 3rd, and Rick Galambos & Dave Perkins split 1st & 2nd and Deb Williams won top lady
Everyone wants to practice before we go to Penticton so we are having another tournament this Saturday 1pm start come early to register only room for 32 players, $10 entry $2 green fees. I’ll be there at 11:30 to open tables and the Avalanche is adding $100 to the prize pot plus every player that enters gets comedy night tickets! If you’re running late give me a call and I’ll sign you up to guarantee a spot!
Looks like everyone back on their game after the holidays there were a few stats last night. Rob Horton got 2 ERO’s, Kevin Kane got 1 ERO, Mike Tredwell, Jim Waller and Ed Johnson each got a Zip. Great shooting boys!
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose