Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello fellow pool players,
With only two weeks left to qualify for Penticton I can't believe how close it is in both division for the final spots. It depends how everyone is shooting it could go to anyone of you in the top 10!
Over the last few weeks there has been a few complainants’ brought to my attention and I believe they could have been avoided if the players new WPBA World Standardized Rules, understood what Good Sportsmanship is all about and no sharking allowed. So just a reminder to you all what Good Sportsmanship and sharking is all about, please take the time and check out our web site at www.comox.pplms.ca at the top of our Home click on PLAY then scroll down and click on Good Sportsmanship. And for those of you that may not have a WPBA Rule Book go to our home page at the bottom left is WPBA Rule Book. Even you pool veterans please go and read the Good Sportsman page you may learn something you forgot!
Every player deserves a fair shot at winning the game and having bad sportsmanship ruins the night out for us all.
Last night Ed Johnson and Kevin Kane both got a First attempt and Jason Rushton and ERO. We also had a 50/50 draw last night and Mike pulled Sara Grooves ticket for $35.
Has anyone out there found a pair of prescription glasses at the Avalanche, they belong to Nora Todd form the Mex Hookers.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportmanship to you all! Rose