Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello fellow pool players,
Last week I mentioned how much you all have improved and that every week I’ve inputted a stat for someone. Ops! Shouldn’t have said a word, last night was the first night no one had a stat!
Congratulations to Ted Willougby and Rob Horton for shooting a 40 and Rob moving into second for POY! This trip could go to anyone of you in the top 10, all it takes is a couple good nights of shooting and a stat! The ladies in third to sixth spot are all very close, but keep a eye on Alison she needs two more games to get her weeks to qualify. All of you keep up the good shooting and never give up!
The schedule is done up to February 16, 2011 with all teams playing each team twice and every team playing their opponent once home and once away. Scheduling can be a real challenge rotating home and away positions so sometimes your team may play away for a few weeks then return home. This is not done intentionally but it always seems to work out even by season end. I apologies for the last minute schedule change last week but there was a week missing from the schedule and it had to input before some teams started playing teams for the third time. In the last six weeks of play is when you will play some teams for the third time. The last six weeks of the schedule will be posted at the end of January.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & Good Sportsmanship! Rose |