Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello fellow pool player!
Looking through all the score sheets I notice some are forgetting to fill in your team names and put an X in the bottom of your score sheet to show which team the score sheet is from. Also if a player gets a stats it must be clearly circled to get credit for it. I also noticed some very tight matches but most of all how many stats there was last night.
Are heavy shooter on Wednesday was Kevin Kane he got an ERO and a First Attempted which gives him a great lead for Player of the year! Johnny C. Got his first ERO of the year, David Pricnard got his second Zip, James a FIRST attempt, Karen Vogt got her first stat and it was a 10 Zip and then there was Tracy Cross who kicks my butt with a 10 Zip! Excullent shooting to you all!
Tracy Cross had a great night she also won the 50/50 draw thank you Sue for pulling her ticket, she's won it 3 out of 4 weeks!
Just a reminder about the 9Ball Tournament tomorrow at Oceanview Billiards in Campbell River doors open at 10am men’s tournament starts at 11am and the women’s at noon. I would try to get there early to practice it will fill up fast!
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose