Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool players!
Nice to see that most of you paid your CCS Registration fee, for those of you that haven't can't play until you do. Some teams are still in the red with their league fees, please get these caught up a.s.a.p.
Congratulations to Sara Groves she won the 50/50 draw. Also good shooting from Don Randall, Aaron LaChance and Kevin Kane they all got a 10 ZIP.
We also have some interest in this Trick Shot competition so I would like to invite all that are interest to show up at the Avalanche between 5:30 & 6pm this coming Wed. Nov. 10 so we can see how many we have and then set a practice date.
It was voted in at the meeting that a player only needs 5 weeks to qualify for Penticton. The top 5 men & top 4 women with the highest POY points win trip. POY ponits you used to have to play 8 games now its 5 for Penticton so I've changed this in the program for POY points. Then when we come back to play after Christmas break it will return to 8 games for our league playoffs.
If there is anyone that didn’t receive the minutes of our meeting please email and I will send it to you. Also could all captains ask their players if they are receiving the stats each week? If you do not receive the stats each week by the Friday after pool please ask them to email, some players say stats are not going through. Let me know who you are so I can fix this problem.
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose