Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day one and all!
It was nice to see a few player’s before and after league play practicing on creating a trick shots. For those of you interested give me a call and we will arrange for a practice day next week. I have a trick shot rack for you to try and a movie we can watch at the Avalanche to give you some great ideas. Remember it’s not the best shot that wins; it’s the one with the most You Tube votes. So let’s get creative and have some fun! You could be the one to win a $1,200. Predator Cue!
There was some good shooting going on last night! Rob Horton got and ERO, Kevin Kane a First Attempted, Dave Pricnard, Mike Theissen and I got a 10 Zip. Look out Ed were all moving on up the POY ladder and coming for you!
League Meeting Next Thursdays 7pm at the Avalanche
This is a very important meeting our prize fund will be about $14,000. and it's you the players that decide how you would like this distributed. We also need to vote in a board of governors, vote on play offs format, prize fund payouts & trips. There will be free raffle draws for all that attend meeting. All are asked to attend but only one vote per team. We will have a double knockout tournament after the meeting.
For those of you looking for a new cue, case or accessories, I have the 2011 product catalog in for Cue & Case, Cue Stix & Predator or go to their web sites. I can match their prices and no duty or shipping charges when ordering through me.
Just a reminder all CCS Registration fees must be paid by Nov. 3 -10.
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship! Rose |