Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day one and all!
Last night you may notice in the stats that the Classics & the Sunnydale Sliders didn't play their match. They have until Oct 27, 10 to make up this match or the Sunnydale Sliders forfeit the match. I see some of you are using pencils to fill out score sheets, please use pens only. If CCS requests me to fax score sheets in these scores won’t show up.
Congratulation to Rob Horton getting his fist stat last night! Good shooting Rob!
We used have our league meetings before league play on a Wednesday night. This isn’t possible now that we play in 4 different locations. So our next league meeting is Thursday October the 28 at 7pm at the Avalanche. This is a very important meeting our prize fund will be about $14,000. and it’s you the players that decide how you would like this distributed. We also need to vote in a board of governors, vote on play offs format, prize fund payouts & trips. There will be free raffle draws for all that attend meeting. All are asked to attend but only one vote per team. We will have a double knockout tournament after the meeting.
There is a trick shot competition being put on by Home Billiards in Vancouver & Predator Cues. Each league that puts in entries to compete in this event will receive 2 cues to raffle off at their banquet! So I’m planning a one day road trip to take up to six players to Vancouver to show off your best trick shot! It doesn’t have to be the greatest trick shot to win, because it’s all done by votes on You Tube. So if you’re interested and would like to get involved give me a call, we will be having practice days at the Avalanche once enough people have signed up with me.
Home Billiards & Predator Cues?
Home Billiards is inviting you to show off your most impressive trick shot for a chance to win a Predator Cue worth $1,200.00! Starting October 21st 2010, contestants will come into the Home Billiards Showroom in Vancouver to show off their most impressive trick shots. There will be an Olhausen tournament pool table set up with a Predator cue to use for the competition. An in-store video camera will be set up to record the trick shots and then uploaded to YouTube. The contestant with the most popular video wins! Basic Rules Anyone can enter the competition. Sign up with Rose 250 218-8819. You must use the Predator cues supplied in-store. Contestants will be given no more than 3 attempts at their trick shot. All videos will be posted on the Home Billiards YouTube channel at the same time. Contestant with the most views/hits on their video wins!
This is going to be a fun road trips overseas don’t miss out sign up now!
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most off all Good Sportsmanship! Rose