Oct 7 2010 6:11PM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

Week #4 stats

Good day to you all on this wonderful sunny day in October!

As we approach week five it’s nice to see that everyone is filling out their score sheets correctly. Some of you are forgetting to fill in the good sportsmanship scores for the opposing team. When you forget they automatically get a 10, so please give then a rating from 0-10 after you have signed the score sheet.

Congratulations to David Wetmore, Steve Abric & Rob Wagennal who all got a stat last night. Good job boys!

Just a reminder if you’re adding a new player I need their full name, address, phone numbers and email address put onto the back of the score sheet.

CCS sanctioning fees are due Nov. 3 all players must have their dues paid by this date or they are not eligible to play until it is paid. If you do play a player that has not paid their fees the scores from that player will be forfeited.

Could all the captains please ask each player on your team if they are receiving the news letter each week. If someone isn't please but their name and email address on the back of your scoesheet.

Special thanks to Liz Asturi for doing the 50/50 draw for us, we raised $52. Thanks Darcy for pulling my ticket!

Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship!


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