Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Hello everyone!
Last Wednesday was a crazy but still a lot fun night! There seems to be a flu bug going around and 6 teams were short a player and this had me on the phone and running from one location to the next which made my night a little crazy. All in all it all worked out, and would like to thank the team I Cue U for understanding and waiting patiently for my return. A big congratulation to Ashley Measor & Jim Waller, they both got a 10 Zip on Wednesday night.
New Rules on Spare Players : You now have three ways to solve this problem if it occurs.
1. - At the end of this email is a list of players name and numbers that would like to spare. I’ll keep this updated and it’s now up to each team captain to find their own replacement for their team.
2 - You can use a player from another team.
3 - You may play with the players that did show up and rotate them to play in that spot. Each round you will adjust the team average based on what player played in that round. No stats are given credit for when you play in a spare position.
Now option #3 is not be abused and done every week if I see that this is happening two weeks in a row you will be asked to find a new player for the person who isn’t showing up.
To all captains just a reminder that if a player hasn't paid their $20. CCS League fee's please get them do so a.s.a.p.
Handicaps are now in effect if a player hasn’t played 8 games he is entered as a 8 average. Then total all team player’s score up on your team, subtract the lowest team average from the highest, the difference is what the lowest team average will get for a handicap. If it’s .5 you always round up.
If anyone has any question please give me a call I'm here to help!
Good Luck, Good Shooting & most of all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose |