Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Happy Canada Day!
The stats sure have changed after last night! Kevin Kane moved into 1st place dropping Ed Johnson to 2nd place.
Ed say's no more stupid stuff for him after I kicked his butt twice. lol Jason Rushton moving into first for POY
points, Jonny C. taking 2nd and Ed bumped down to 3rd! Sorry about that stupid stuff Ed! lol
We had no stats last night but Kevin Kane and myself both scored a 60 and had a play off for the $10. Avalanche
gift certificate and I took him out! Look out boys Rosies back and moving on up from 8th to 5th!
Wes and I cashed in bottles last week and to date we have handed in $1347.15. Special thanks to Alison & Frank
that donated the bottles after Franks 50 birthday party.There is only 4 weeks of play left to get your 6 weeks in
to play in the playoff. So those of you that are short don't leave to the last minute because we have had full
score sheets and double headers haven't been possibly the last few weeks.
There's a hot new pool game out there called CHOKE if you want to learn more about it come early next week
and play a few rounds. It sure has helped my game!
Good Luck, Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose