Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool players
There sure was some very close matches last night but over all no teams changed positions.
For the first round of the playoffs we have:
Odd Balls vs EH Shooters Berky's Brawlers vs Sink EM In The Holes Chocolot vs The Classics Choc-A-Holics vs 8Ball Specialist
We will draw numbers to see what tables your first round is played on.
The table numbers have changed we now call the two tables in the back room table 1 by the wall and
table 2 closest to the door and the table by the window is 3 and the one by the bar is 4.
Captains please remember that we are on a tight schedule and to always have your
next player on deck ready to play. The Avalanche has put together a great buffet dinner for us all
roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy steamed veggies, ceaser salsd, tai salad, greek salad & buns.
I'm sponsoring a cake from Quality foods as well as a bottle of champagne for each table.
We will also be running the Speed Pool Challenge on Sat. from 5:30pm till ? and on Sunday from 1pm till ?
The Avalanche is sponsoring two pool cues for fastest score for male and female.
You can try as many times as you like over the weekend to get your fastest time.
CCS gave me a $400. Lucasi pool cue and someone in the league is going to win it!
Then there is the raffle I'm doing to raise money for me to go to Calgary, so fare I've collected
about $1600. in prizes every $10. ticket you buy will win a prize. Now if I don't go to Calgary
half the money will go to the food bank and half to the summer pool league prize fund.
It's going to be a lot of fun!
So Good Luck Good Shooting and most of all Good Sportsmanship to you all! Rose