Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool players!
Well we made it back from Penticton, even though Vince said," didn't you know were never going home". lol
There was a few vehical problems on the way down and sorry to say that Mel's vehical didn't make it back.
It was amazing how many pool players game to the rescue, there was more rides offered then taken.
In the team events both our teams had a tough run in both backets and didn't make it into the money.
In the mens division Jason Rushton finished 9th in the B bracket, Deb Williams and Joe Orel (from Campbell River)
finished 4th in Scotch Doubles winning $50. and I'm happy to say that I took 3rd in the ladies bracket won a
trophy, $250. and a spot to go to Calgary to compete in the Westerns!
Thanks Ed for running the Sunday tournamnet, 7 players came out and they played a round robin on
Valentine's Day and everyone was a winner.
Congradulation to Alison Crabb and Frank Zitelmann on there engagement, you two make a great couple!
Cheers to both of you!!
Good Luck and Good Shooting to you all! Rose