Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good day fellow pool players!
Tonight the heat is on for the last spot for Penticton it can go to any one of you in the top 11 men.
It will only take one stat to change the out come, and for those of you that don't know 3 possibly 4 in the top 10
can't make the trip. All players in the top 11 POY points and top ladies for Penticton please come to the
Avalanche after league play so I can let you know who the final winners are. And there is a few things we need
to go over about our trip. I've also taken all players score that have played on more then one team and added
them to your regular stats. Now you can see where you stand in POY points.
Sunday tournamnet we had 11 players, $40 1st went to Greg Shelvey, $30 2nd Ed Johnson, $20 3rd Rob Horton.
Only two weeks left till we go to Penticton so come on down and practice.
Good Luck and Good Shooting to you all! Rose