Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good Day Fellow Pool Players!
I hope you all had time to take a moment of silence to remember our troops and their families.
My heart goes out to all of the families that lost loved ones. Bless you all!
I thank those of you who have been bringing in food donation and hope more have a chance to get involved.
If everone could bring in one item every week by the months end we could have quite a few boxes of food.
The bottle drive is off to a slow start this year so if you have empties bring them on down or call me for pick up.
We have a lot of great prizes to give away and with each donation you get a change to win .
Mel is working on getting a trip for two from West Jet for a grand prize.
Starting Sunday Dec 6 at 1pm I will be hosting a 8Ball tournament at the Avalanche and this will continue to run
every Sunday with lots of extra prizes and the bar will put up $100. every week plus prizes for top lady.
Good Luck nad Good Shooting to you all! Rose