Newsletter - 1 League Messages
| | Good Day Fellow Pool Players
I had to correct two teams scores from last nights match because the handicaps per round was done incorrectly. Sink Em In The Holes & Eh Shooter's The handicap system is there to keep play fun and fair for all skill levels of play. But at the the same time if a team wins most of the games in a round they shouldn't lose that round. In a 16 game format the most handicap points that can be given per round is 8 points per round. So the final out come was 4 rounds for Sink Em In The Holes & 1 round for Eh Shooters
Any concerns about rules, go to the web site and click on 8 Ball Scoring & Handicapping.
Whail your at the web site check out the joke of the week!
4.3 Handicapping
* At the start of every Match Round, the Player’s Averages (to the nearest tenth) of each Team are entered in the "AVE." column beside their Roster Order Number. In the case of a "forfeit" a "10" is entered or for a first time Player, an "8.0" is entered. The Player Averages are then totaled. The difference (to the nearest tenth) is then rounded to the nearest whole number and is given to the Team with the lower total as a Team Handicap. * This Team Handicap is to be entered in the Points Column in the box beside "HANDICAP". * 4 player/16 game Match Format - maximum 8 Ball Count Points per round. * 5 player/ 15,20,25 game Match Format - maximum 10 Ball Count Points per round.
Good Luck & Good Shooting to you all! Rose