Last Updated: Feb 18 2025 11:41PM

Comox Valley Pool League

Invites you to become apart of your community pool league.

Established 2008

With a goal to bring the community together playing pool.

Creating a fun & fair night out for all skill levels of player.

CVPL players are registered with CCS (Canadian Cue Sport)

Register your team or for single play .... by clicking on the top


Team Ranking Format

Players are ranked A - B or C
Based on where they finished in league and known skill level.

Unsure of a player rank ... please call me.

C player count as a one .
B player count as a two.
A player count as a three.

All skill levels are now able to play every night.

Sunday afternoons Scotch Doubles Starts Jan 12th 2025

Tables open at noon starts at 1pm
New location C.A.P. Billiards

$5 a player per night
12 week schedule
Play for Awards
Once a year $20 Canadian Cue Sports Membership

Tuesday night - Baby Shark's Club

Max Team Number is 7 for each round of team play.

$10 a night
4 on 4 Format 16 game format
28 week scheduled based on 12 team
Cash payouts no trips
Once a year $20 Canadian Cue Sports Membership

Wednesday Night - Great White Wednesday Sharks Club

Max Team Number is 10 for each round of team play.

$15 a night
4 on 4 Format 16 game format
28 week schedule
Once a year $20 Canadian Cue Sports Membership

Top 5 males and Top 4 Women win trips to CCS BC's Championships in Penticton

$2 Green Fee included in all league dues.

Spares always needed past deadline...

Click on How To Join above to register

or Call Rose at 250 218-8819


Here are the Championships that Players and Teams are eligible to go to:


CCS Ontario....London.....Nov 20-24 2024......Doubletree Hilton
CCS Atlantic........Sydney............Dec 5-8 2024......Dooly's
CCS BC.........Penticton........Feb 4-9 2025..............Lakeside Resort Hotel
CCS Canadians....Niagara Falls....Mar 10-15 2025..........Sheraton Fallsview
CCS Westerns.....Calgary............Apr 29-May 4 2025.....Acadia Rec Centre
CCS Vcr Island......Nanaimo............Nov 10-16 2025..........Nanaimo Conf. Centre TBC


ACS Nationals.......Las Vegas.......May 10-17 2025..........Westgate


CCS - Player Rankings

Not quite ready for prime time?

No worries - all CCS Championships offer Divisional Play based on skill level - Standard, Open and Advanced.

'Need To Know' for all Championships

1. For full INFO on any of the Championships:

Under 'Championships Events' on the left sidebar of the CCS Home Page, click on any of the Championships.
At the top of the page that opens up, click on 'Tournament Brochure.

2. Online Entry

You can check your Player Ranking by clicking on 'Players Rankings' on the left sidebar of the CCS Home Page.
Also when you select 'View Entries' as noted above, the Division you are eligible to play in will also be shown.

5. How can see the Tournament Charts?

All Charts can be viewed on
Just do a search under CCS and the Tournament Name.



CCS Championships offer Divisional Play based on skill level - Standard, Open and Advanced.

It's all based on Player Rankings which we take very seriously. The fairness of every Championship depends on it.

Every player is assigned one and the Division that you can enter in any Event will be based on it.

Singles Ranking - based on 8 Ball Singles Events; your last 2 performances, prior to the current league year.

Team Ranking - based on 8 Ball Team Events; your last 2 performances, prior to the current league year.

For more detailed information, click on 'Player Rankings' in the middle of the left sidebar.

Drop in Single Summers League League

Starts May 7th, 2025

$10 a night ... includes $2 Administration/Green fee ... runs for 12 weeks

Playoffs Wednesday July 30th

SKINS FORMAT for playoffs playoffs.

FYI.... We have a league camera man that is taking pictures during many events.
If you don't want to be in any of these photo's/videos please inform me in writing and we will make arranges to have you leave the room before we start to film.

Venue Sponsors

Chalk Tapas & Billiard Lounge

Four 7' Valley pool tables with Predator Cloth

Kelly O'Byran's
Two 7' Valley Dynamo pool tables


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